
Clear Braces

Clear Braces

Do you find yourself covering your mouth or looking away when you want to laugh or smile? It might be time to consider how this is affecting your health. Overcrowded and misaligned teeth lead to tooth decay, gum disease, halitosis, and poor self-esteem. This can also make us feel uncomfortable with our appearance and when you don’t feel good about your smile, you simply don’t smile or laugh as often as you normally would. Smiling and laughing both trigger a release of endorphins that not only make us feel good but lower our heart rate and blood pressure as well as reduce anxiety.

Dillard Dental Services understands the importance of straight and well-aligned teeth for both your health as well as your appearance. That is why we offer clear braces that allow you to straighten your teeth while feeling good about your appearance.

We use clear braces to treat the following dental problems:

Spaces between teeth: Spacing is one of the most common dental problems, and although it doesn't commonly cause issues, the spaces can affect your smile. Clear braces are one of the most effective teeth straightening treatments for spacing.

Minor overcrowded teeth: Overcrowded teeth are commonly treated by using clear braces. This problem causes your teeth to appear as if they are bunched together and uneven. In cases where overcrowding is severe, we work with the best orthodontists in our area to help you find care.

Overbite: Overbite refers to a condition when your upper teeth extend and over your lower teeth more than they should. Overbite doesn't just affect your appearance, but also causes abnormal tooth wear and headaches. We treat minor overbite problems with clear aligners.

Crossbite: Crossbite is a condition where one or more lower teeth sits in front of your upper teeth and don't come together correctly. This is a common problem and can be successfully treated using clear braces.

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